I recently became a community member for cultureQs®, an innovative change game that was created by a chap called Eric Lynn, who lives in Germany. cultureQs® is a board game with a structure around it for setup, play, debrief and utilisation. It involves cards with questions, counters, a dice and board. I have seen people quickly gain a clear understanding of their own drivers and also a clear understanding of their colleagues’ drivers.

“Change starts with you,” I always say and the use of modern technologies and group approaches often categorised under gamification can really provide a change manager with additional tools to break down boundaries and build up shared knowledge and dialogue.

Why is gamification something we need to incorporate in our change approaches? Games have been around for centuries and their history was based around learning. Even modern day Monopoly provides some knowledge about finance, budgeting, wise investment. Games do not have to be electronic or technological. They can be simple and practical and empowering that can be applied to all people, not just those who are technically literate.

cultureQs is a game that does not have a competitive outcome. There is no winner and no loser: it is about meaningful engagement, which is what drew me to it as well as what drew me to Eric, who manifests a similar peaceful and locally mindful practice and model in his work.

Game questions are deep and insightful such as “what is a significant celebration in your culture and how do you celebrate it?”, “what does respect mean to you?”, “what would be a common practice when introducing a younger person to an older person in your culture?”. After even one hour or so you get a pretty deep and solid view on a person and their history and their personality and their culture. I encourage you to get connected and check out how games like cultureQs can bring a vital change to your team and for yourself.

This article was published at http://projectmanager.com.au/author/elissafarrow/

Published On: September 5th, 2014 / Categories: Blogs /

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